UCI Phi Beta Kappa
Phi Beta Kappa celebrates and advocates excellence in the liberal arts and sciences. It is the nation’s oldest and most prestigious national honor society. Only the most outstanding undergraduates at the nation’s leading colleges and universities who meet the Society’s rigorous and comprehensive standards are elected to membership each year.
Member Spotlight
Recent Events
Our Annual Events
UCI Phi Beta Kappa hosts three major events every year intended to highlight the academic importance of the Liberal Arts and Sciences and recognize the talented UCI Anteaters that are on the path to becoming leaders in those fields. Find out more about our annual events below:
PBK Fall Book Award Ceremony & Reception
Join us on Nov. 13, 2024!
Established in 2021 by PBK Past-President Jonathan Feng, Professor of Physics, the Annual PBK Book Award recognizes rising sophomores who attained a 4.0 GPA in 36 units of graded coursework during their first year at UCI. As the nation’s oldest, most prestigious academic honor society, PBK celebrates excellence in the liberal arts and sciences and champions freedom of thought. UCI’s PBK Mu Chapter is proud to celebrate these students’ accomplishments early in their academic careers.
Join us for Prof. Christie's Public Talk on April 15, 5-6:30 pm!
Visiting Scholar Program: Prof. Douglas E. Christie
Join us for Prof. Christie's Public Talk on April 15, 5-6:30 pm!
Prof. Douglas E. Christie, Professor Emeritus in the Theological Studies Department at Loyola Marymount University, is visiting UCI on April 15, 2025.
Prof. Christie will be available to meet with faculty and students, find out more about meeting with him using the button below.
Join us on April 15, 5-6:30 pm for a catered public lecture: “Thinking Like A Mountain: Contemplative Ecology in the Anthropocene” with Prof. Christie
PBK Annual Induction Ceremony & Reception
Join us on Jun. 12, 2025!
The Phi Beta Kappa Annual Induction Ceremony is where nominated students officially become members of the PBK society. Students are inducted through the ceremony, and are honored by the Chapter’s executive board members and other notable UCI Phi Beta Kappa members. Participation at the Induction Ceremony is not required to complete membership.
Though you may have been asked to join other honor societies, discover why Phi Beta Kappa is the most prestigious.
Discover the rich history of the oldest, best-known, and most prestigious of all undergraduate academic honor societies.
Contact Us
The UCI PBK Office is located on the fifth floor of the Science Library in the Student Excellence Center. Drop in to ask us questions!
Support PBK
Support PBK’s mission of celebrating academic excellence and advocating for the liberal arts and sciences.